Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Making Art as if the World Mattered"- Collaborative Project

Read chapters 7 and 8 from Suzi Gablik's "The Re-Enchantment of Art".

A number of collaborative artists are discussed in these chapters-- for each one (listed below), please pick out and share one quote/section of the text that you found most interesting or thought-provoking about that person's work, or about your own thought process for this project.

Share your quotes and observations as a response to this blog entry. You may need to sign in or create a google account to do this.

To make things quicker for you, you can copy and paste the following list of artists and add your quote to it: this is the order they are discussed in the readings and you must take at least one quote from each section of the reading:

DO THIS BEFORE CLASS ON THURSDAY 4/9. This is worth 10 points, and replaces having to write a paper. We will share/discuss our quotes on Thursday.

Chapter 7:

1. Sue Coe

2. something from the introduction paragraphs between Coe and Wodiczko

3. Krzysztof Wodiczko

4. John Malpede/LAPD

5. Tim Rollins/KOS

6. Suzanne Lacy

7. Jonathan Borofsky and Gary Glassman

Chapter 8:
1. something from the introduction paragraphs

2. Dominique Mazeaud

3. Allan McCollum

4. something from the closing paragraphs about art critic Greenberg and the masculine/feminine in modern art